Humanitarian Assistance

We champion humanitarian relief and assistance by mapping and monitoring the most vulnerable people groups, and creating synergy between local, national and international initiatives.

Humanitarian Assistance

Kenya is classified among the most water scarce countries in the world. This fact, coupled with more frequent cycles of severe weather and depleting natural resources, is making water less available for agricultural and domestic use, especially in the country’s arid and semi-arid regions. Access to safe water and improved sanitation is a challenge in Kenya. Water service providers (WSP) struggle to raise the capital and strengthen local capacities needed to accelerate WASH service delivery. Approaches to household sanitation often overly rely on increasing the knowledge of the health benefits of sanitation without addressing other crucial factors that impact demand, community norms, individual motivations, and access to products and services.

Despite having sound policies in place, when it comes to Water and Sanitation there are still barriers hindering its progressive realization and they include: Inadequate funding in the water sector; Water Scarcity & lack of accessibility of WASH amenities to vulnerable/marginalized populations, yet under the Constitution, access to water is deemed as a basic right
Febwell Foundation aims to:

• Partner with government and government agencies to develop a robust, interlinked data management system

• Provision of WASH amenities in the various facilities and institutions, ASAL areas (Arid and Semi-Arid Lands) and informal settlements

• Partner with government to sensitize and train the agencies responsible for delivering WASH services regarding needs and rights of vulnerable communities.

• Develop guidelines and designs for the disability specific and context specific WASH needs of Persons with Disabilities, women and any other marginalized group with robust monitoring and accountability to track inclusiveness.

• Create budget advocacy and sensitive county governments to prioritize allocation of Revenue to WASH to promote its progressive realization.

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