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febwell foundation

Febwell Foundation seeks to meaningfully create impact and address pertinent societal challenges by providing innovative and impactful solutions in the following areas:

Access to quality education
Lack of access to quality education can undermine people’s potential to have successful futures. We aim to incubate and support initiatives that provide access to quality educational opportunities for all learners and that help them to nurture their potential and cultivate the skills and competencies they need to survive and thrive.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
We aim to develop initiatives supporting good hygiene promotion, disease prevention and encouraging healthy behaviours and develop sustainable projects to improve long-term WASH services for all.
Green Energy
We aim to develop and maintain environmental management programs with objectives and targets to minimize adverse environmental impacts, ensure that the available natural resources are utilized responsibly and conserved through innovative practices and procedures.
Humanitarian Support and Assistance
This strategic area seeks to promote humanitarian relief and assistance through mapping and monitoring needs and target groups, creating synergy between local, national and international capacities, coordination of humanitarian actors and projects, and advocate for disaster preparedness and vulnerability reduction.
Access to Universal and Affordable Healthcare
Quality, affordable health care is the foundation for individuals to lead productive and fulfilling lives and for countries to have strong economies. We aim to work towards incubating and supporting initiatives that ensure that people have access to the health care they need without suffering financial hardship.
Technology, Innovation and Advancement
Tech-innovation is fueling creative programmes, amplifying their potential and facilitating radically improved standards of living. We aim to leverage on technological innovations in enabling the advancement of our programmes across all the respective themes.
Food Security
We aim to work on programmes that ensure that all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
Entrepreneurship and Job Creation
Creating more and better-quality jobs is key to boosting growth, reducing poverty and increasing social cohesion. We aim to support programmes that nurture entrepreneurship and which provide new jobs, especially for people who were previously unemployed or inactive.

Meet our specialists

A word from the executive director

Quisque nec quam convallis, scelerisque risus in, viverra ipsum. Mauris sed molestie magna. Nunc auctor aliquet tortor in venenatis. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam quis suscipit nulla. Cras at facilisis risus, nec accumsan urna. Praesent congue aliquet nisi, eu hendrerit sem.

Ruth Kinyanjui

Financial Risk / Operations / Technology/ Founder